About US

Travelling and discovering new places have always been an integral part of my life. I was born and raised in Santiago, Chile. Later on, during my youth I spent twelve years in Venice where I did my degree in Modern Languages. Subsequently, I lived in London for ten years working as a university lecturer. My next destination was Annecy, France, where I spent sixteen years teaching Economics in nearby Geneva.

The end of 2018 represented a turning point in my life. I started to think about a possible way in which I could make a living out of my passion for outdoor activities such as trekking. As it is often the case in life, chance presents the necessary elements for dreams to materialize. Throughout all my life, I never stopped visiting Chile on a regular basis, strengthening my conviction of the enormous potential that this country has to offer to nature enthusiasts.

I have worked with joy and passion in order to provide all the necessary elements for an unforgettable travel experience. What I present to you is the result of a two-year process in which many kilometers of Southern Chile and Patagonia were covered. During this time, I travelled with the aim of selecting some of the most outstanding locations to be found in these regions. This fact gives me confidence of the quality of the adventure that I want to share with you. Thus, I hope that Totapuri Adventures will be your next companion in Southern Chile and Patagonia, and look forward to enjoying with you the magic and beauty of some of the most incredible places in the world.

Giancarlo Melloni
Founder Totapuri Adventures